Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Valentines for Vets

A box will be in the bell tower for your Valentines for Vets. These Valentines are appreciated very much by those who are housed at the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center. The last date to deposit your Valentines will be Sunday, February 5. Remember those who served.

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)


March 43.5 May 76.34 June 141.35 July 53.90 October 55.00 November 89.45 December 126.50 Total $586.04 Forms to order the gift cards from Script are on the table in the narthex. This is an easy way for you to donate to our church. Just mark how many cards you want and give the money to […]

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)

Picture Perfect

Janet Tillet, Leona Brown and Nick Fenstermacher are pictured enjoying a delicious meal at our annual Pork Dinner held on November 19. Grayson Bunnell is among his preschool classmates enjoying some books at the newly refurbished Story Center in the Mt. Top Kids Learning center and also enjoying a Halloween story time program with the […]

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

The year 2016 is rushing past! Summer is long gone – the first snow has been “weathered” – the Thanksgiving feast has been enjoyed! And now, it’s on to Christmas! The stores have been decorated for months (it seems). We are now bombarded with ads on a daily basis – through all forms of media […]

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)

Gift Card Fundraiser

We have Gift Card Fundraiser through Great Lakes Scrip Center and includes tons of cards – from Advance Auto Parts to Wet Seal (young women’s clothing). By purchasing the gift card through Great Lake Scrip, our church earns a percentage of the sale price. With this newsletter is a copy of the list and more […]

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)


The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Sunday, December 4, after our Worship Service. The proposed 2017 Budget was approved by the Consistory for distribution in the weekly bulletins and extra copies are available on the table in the Narthex. NOTICE TO ALL COMMITEES, TEAMS AND ASSOCIATIONS: In accordance with our Constitution […]

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)

Christmas Cards For Vets

There is a box in the bell tower for Christmas Cards for our local veterans who are residents at the VA Hospital. The last day to put cards in the box is December 18. Thank you for remembering those men and women who served our country.

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)