Come to Emmanuel UCC for Ash Wednesday service. All are welcome beginning at 7pm. We look forwarding to seeing you!
Author: Emmanuel UCC
Gift cards are available through RaiseRight
Get ready for the holidays by purchasing gift cards through RaiseRight (formerly Scrip Cards). There are more retailers and gift cards that are available compared to last year so please place your order now. Please see link for a downloadable list of available retailers: Gift Guide 2024.pdf Please see Chris Dietrich or message through […]

Keystone Mission
Innovation Center for Homelessness and Poverty Please help out Sunday school and youth collect for this Christmas season Drop off box is located in the Narthex Items needed: Men’s and Women’s underwear (new) Hooded sweatshirts various sizes Long sleeve shirts sizes small to 3x Deodorant Disposable coffee cups Paper plates Hot cocoa packets

Don’t forget to set your clocks!
Don’t forget on Sunday, Nov. 5 at 2 a.m. local time, our clocks will go back an hour and we will gain an extra hour of sleep. Sunday school will still be at 9:30AM

Car Show Plus Anything with Wheels

Vacation Bible School July 16-20

From the Pastor’s Desk
Welcome to July! What an exciting month for our country (July 4th), and our church. I say this because we are here! We continue to worship, and we continue to support Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM) as well as our community! I love Sunday morning! My greatest joy is worshipping with you all. As I […]

Old River Church Services
Worship begins at 6:00 pm Sunday evenings beginning July 11 and continues to the end of August. If you can help with refreshments for July 10 when we are host, please see Cindy. July 10……… Emmanuel UCC July 17………… St. John’s UCC July 24………… St. Peter’s UCC July 31….. St. James […]

Picture Perfect
Among the 242 Graduates of Crestwood High School Class of 2022, were some very familiar faces. Leah Dietrich, Morgan Hodle and Kelsey Rinehimer received their diplomas and are now on their way to new futures. Leah is headed to Penn State University to pursue her degree in Food Science, Morgan is off to Luzerne County […]

Emmanuel VBS
We’re going diving – deep, deeper, deepest at our VBS from July 24 to 28 at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Emmanuel will be transformed into an underwater wonderland, Bible Seas, “swimming” with characters just overflowing with the wonders of God’s stories from the Bible. Our theme verse is: Your Word is a lamp to […]