Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

150 YEARS OLD ! …

Did you know our church is 150 years old this year?  What a Great Cloud of Witness we are (from the Book of Hebrews)!  We have deliberated this fact at our last consistory meeting and decided to celebrate! On Sunday, October 6th, there will be a special service during our regular worship time. We would like to continue the celebration with a covered dish luncheon after the service.  Please consider preparing your favorite German themed dish to share.  Also, bring along family and friends to make our celebration meaningful to all. I will be contacting former ministers of Emanuele UCC to join us that afternoon.

In addition, we ask that if you have any memorabilia to share start collecting it now and bring it to me.  I do plan on setting this up in our social hall for all to enjoy!           I will be looking for anyone who would like to be on the anniversary committee for our 150th anniversary.  This is going to be a think-tank to help plan for our celebration October 6th. We need ideas to make this a fun and memorable afternoon.  Please see me after church if interested or call me at 570-582-9550.  Thanks,

Pastor Lou Aita
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen for His own inheritance. — Psalm 33:12 (NASV)

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