We have had several inquiries about receiving automatic
contributions for offerings. Some of our members have
decided to use this method to schedule their weekly,
semi-weekly, monthly, etc., offerings. One member is
using automatic withdrawal so that she isn’t bothered
writing a check every week. Another couple uses this
method when they are out of the area. They realize the
importance of regular giving. If you overlook making
out your check or if you’re not here, the bills still come
and those businesses expect, and rightly so, to be paid on
time. Your offering ensures that funds are available
when needed. It is processed the same way as any other
automatic withdrawal from your account, such as car
payments, insurance premiums, or mortgage payments.
You set up with your bank when and how much is
forwarded to the church. A check arrives in our mail and
is counted with the offering on Sunday mornings. It’s
that simple.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courtyards with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting And His faithfulness is to all generations. — Psalm 100:4-5 (NASV)