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Youth Accomplishments

Chris Harmon was among the students “Caught Being Good” at Rice Elementary during the month of February. Chris is the son of Chris and Ashley (Deets) Harmon. Each student is nominated by a staff member for exhibiting good behavior while at school. Hey, Chris, that’s showing them how to act!! What a great example for everyone. There’s a picture of Chris with his certificate on the front bulletin board.
Nate Kamowski was among the students in Rice Elementary’s fifth grade who created posters for the DARE program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). He and several other students’ posters were honored for their outstanding work by the Knights of Columbus. A picture of the students with Sgt. Scott Rozitski DARE Officer, and Frank Wurst and Joseph Holmes.

Kayla Supkowski, great-granddaughter of Ethel Fine and granddaughter of Glenda Supkowski, was the 2nd place winner for the American Legion Post 781 Women’s Auxiliary Americanism Essay Contest. She wrote her essay in response to the theme: If you were President, what 5 things would you change? She also was required to create a colored drawing depicting the content of her essay. Kayla is pictured with her essay and drawing on the front bulletin board.
Crestwood High School Honor Rolls:
Principal’s Honors: Richard Supkowski, Kimmy Bernetski
Honors:   Taryn Pecile,   Kyle Prelewicz, Eric Rinehimer
Crestwood Middle School Honor Rolls:
High Honors: Aaron Kleger
Honors: Michelle Heller, Brad Kotarsky, Hunter Rinehimer


And on that day you will say, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; Make them remember that His name is exalted.” — Isaiah 12:4 (NASV)

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