Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675


Come out for a great camping trip at our Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is SonRock Kids Camp, where kids build their lives on the Rock, Jesus! We will learn that we are

Accepted by  Jesus,
Protected by Jesus,
Saved by Jesus,
Forgiven by Jesus
and Living for

There are cool songs, spirited games, nature crafts, sweet treats and rock solid lessons, all with a camping theme. The Bible stories are based on the relationship between Jesus and Peter.

Accepted: Jesus chooses Peter as one of his disciples.

Protected: Jesus protects Peter when he
tries to walk on water.

Saved: Peter’s
confession that Jesus is Lord allows him

Forgiven: Even though Peter
denied knowing Jesus three times, Jesus
forgave him.

Living: Through the power of
Jesus, Peter heals a lame man.

Registration sheets are on the table in the narthex and there are posters for putting up around the neighborhoods, too. If possible, would you pre-register your child(ren) so that there is less confusion on the first day? I am also asking all adult and teen volunteers to fill out a form since it contains contact information in case of an emergency. If there are no registration sheets, please ask me to make more. Thanks.
At our last meeting on May 25, we made some of our props for the different areas. We will need to complete them when we do the final decoration on July 21. We were so busy with decorations that we forgot to set a date for our next meeting. I will try to get that publicized so everyone who wants to participate will know about it. That meeting will be to ensure we have all props for the skits and station areas so that decorating on the 21st will go smoothly. We also need a Mission Project. Please see me with any ideas. In the past, we gave to GoJoe, Janet Weiss Children’s Hospital, and local families with children who had serious medical needs.
I’d like to thank everyone who helped clean up and out old VBS materials. I’m not sure who they all are, but they got things where they needed to be so that they could be gone through and sorted.


Emmanuel UCC

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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