Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

From the Pastor’s desk

May brings the newness of sunshine and flowers to our community. After a long winter, this is something we all welcome with open arms. The seasons are something that affects our vitality. Vitality, simply put, means the state of being strong and active; energy. In the beautiful summer months ahead we can sense this vitality coming into our own minds and bodies.

But our minds and bodies are not the only things that vitality affects. It is infecting our church as well. The Penn Northeast Conference (PNEC) has taken the word vitality and put it into action! The PNEC has recently formed a Congregational Vitality Team.  The function of this team is to work to revitalize and support our congregations. This is all going to start with an assessment that will be given out to congregations for their input on how we could re-vitalize our churches.

What a great idea in this fast paced changing world! The congregation members of Emmanuel United Church of Christ are going to receive this assessment in May.  Once that assessment is compiled, I will be meeting with the team to review their recommendations.  This is the beginning of a new Emmanuel UCC. Not that there is anything wrong with our existing church. In fact, I see quite a bit of untapped potential here.

We at Emmanuel UCC are concerned with folks who are missing out on a great opportunity to change, to heal, and to become whole. Are you seeking any of this?  Perhaps you are church shopping, or are a former member who is thinking about coming back home to Emmanuel.  Well, we have much to offer to you.

For our young people there is Sunday school, kids choir, and our newly re-formed youth group for those ages 10 and up.  Actually, we have planned a mission trip to Blue Knob PA, through Team Effort, for the week of July 8th.  Also, we will be holding our annual Summer Bible Camp during the evenings this summer.

For everyone we continue to meet on Sunday morning at 10:30 am. for worship.  We also are now offering Bible study group to supplement this worship. And, of course, lots of opportunities for fellowship.

Did I miss anything? Is there something you would like to see happen in our church? Well, come with you suggestions because we also offer an extravagant welcome to everyone no matter where you are on life’s journey.

So, consider this May newsletter article an invitation to come and be re-vitalized.  Our church is already vitalized but we could only get stronger.  We want you to come and enjoy everything God has given us! We hope to see you soon!


God Bless You!

Pastor Lou Aita

[Prayer and the Golden Rule] “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 (NASV)

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