Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

November is here! A month that begins just after “trick or treat” and ends shortly after entry into a new church year! It is a month that brings to an end the “season of wild claims” and never-ending political advertisements. It is a month that takes us into the festive holiday season, as we gather around tables to give thanks for all of our blessings. It is a month that exchanges those political ads for store circulars – from the “vote for me” messages to the ones that encourage us to “shop here for the best deals.” It is a month that catapults us into the spiritual preparation and anticipation for the celebration of Christmas, only weeks away.

It is a fabulous month, November, and, although the weather may bring a chill to our bones, the events may do much more than that. It may elicit a sigh of relief or a moan of anguish, depending on the November 8 results. It may delight us with new memories to cherish, or bring tears of sadness from remembering the past. It may rekindle the joys of childhood, the awe and wonder of our faith, the sense of God’s closeness and love. It may re-orient our lives toward preparing for the greatest gift of all – the God who comes to dwell among us as Jesus Christ!

What a month! Plan to take it all in! Experience it in its entirety! Be open to its lasting memories and to the ones that, only now, are being created! Through the wonderful gifts contained in this new month, may God speak to us – in our personal lives and in our church community!

I wish you, and your families, the very best of God’s Blessings!
Rev. Stout

PS: Please remember – I can be reached by phone at 409-658-7136 (cell) or e-mail at cstout53@earthlink.net – please contact me if a need/emergency arises. I will also be available at the Church on Sunday morning or Tuesday usually from 9am-1pm. I can be available by appointment at other times/days that may be more convenient for you.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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