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From The Pastor’s Desk – Rev. Stout

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

The past three Sundays have taken us in interesting directions. We have gone from promises to puzzles to rejections! An odd journey! But even the oddest of journeys have words that catch our attention. These may have caught your attention.

  •  From the message for 8/7 (“A Promising People – A Promising God”), reflecting on Abraham’s inability to reach the “homeland” promised by God:
    “While we yearn for that ‘true homeland,’ we prepare ourselves through a life of faithfulness – faithfulness built upon a lasting faith in the One who makes the promise, the Promising God.”
  •  From the message for 8/14 (“The Final Piece of the Puzzle”), reflecting on our faithful ancestors who also did not experience the fulfillment of God’s promise:
    “We are to allow Christ to be the Perfecter of our faith – so that we can participate in the fulfillment of God’s promise – the coming of God’s Kingdom.” Also, “Jesus Christ – the final piece of the puzzle – is not the finishing line, but the starting line.”
  •  For the message for 8/28 (“Responding to Rejection”), which draws together faith and the nature of the God whom we worship:

“God is our ‘assurance policy’ for all the times when we are rejected. The immediate pain may be severe; we may feel helpless and hopeless. But God assures us that there is comfort on the way. God yearns for the opportunity to embrace us with love. God is waiting for the invitation to share the difficult part of the journey. In an active, life-giving way, God will provide what is needed – the ‘finest wheat’ and ‘honey from the rock.’ Let us remember those images when we have been rejected by others.”

From those messages, remember this: (1) We are called to live lives of faithfulness. (2) Jesus Christ should be the focal point and the starting point for our lives. (3) When we feel rejected, let us reach out to God who is ready to embrace us with a love that comforts and makes whole.

Those are simple words, but challenging ones, especially when facing the complex issues of today and the nature of human relationships. However, sometimes the simple path is the most direct one to life and peace, especially when God is involved.

May we all experience the very best of God’s Blessings in all parts of our lives!

Rev. Stout

PS: Please remember – I can be reached by phone at 409-658-7136 (cell) or e-mail at cstout53@earthlink.net – please contact me if a need/emergency arises. I will also be available at the Church on Sunday morning or Tuesday usually from 9am-1pm. I can be available by appointment at other times/days that may be more convenient for you.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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