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From The Pastor’s Desk – Rev. Stout

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

The words still resound in my mind – “summertime and the livin’ is easy.” That may be true in some respects – with family getaways, picnic reunions, parties at the pool or beach, travels to special places or places that will become special after this summer’s trip, or just relaxing in a cool place at home. Of course, for many, the livin’ may not be any easier in summer than at any other time of the year. So, perhaps it is for them, that I highlight the “not so easy” messages that have come to us from the Scriptures.

On 7/17, the message “Choices, Choices! So Many Choices!” emphasized how difficult life can be these days because we are swamped with possibilities – whether they are related to food, communication devices, or faith concerns. There are always decisions to be made – and sometimes, stepping away for a moment (that is, “dawdling with Jesus”) may be an effective step toward choosing well. On 7/24, the message “Don’t Delay! Ask Away!” focused on the idea that we are not stuck with what we have in life (the “it is what it is” syndrome). Through the simple (yet, not easy, by any means) plan of “Ask – Seek – Knock,” we can play an active role in our life’s course and in the future of our congregation. That’s an important role, but not an easy one to play! And then, for 7/31, the message “Wisdom Speaks, but Courage Hears” will be presented in “story” form. It will address how we respond to the obvious, but very disconcerting, realities of life. Sometimes, the only way forward is to maintain the faith and muster the courage to face the demands of the moment!

During the summertime, the livin’ might be easy (for some), but the messages that have emerged over these three Sundays are anything but easy.

As we continue through the summer, may we keep our eyes, our ears, and our hearts open to the One who guides and inspires, and then move toward wherever God is leading!

Rev. Stout

PS: Please remember – I can be reached by phone at 409-658-7136 (cell) or e-mail at cstout53@earthlink.net – please contact me if a need/emergency arises. I will also be available at the Church on Sunday morning or Tuesday usually from 9am-1pm. I can be available by appointment at other times/days that may be more convenient for you.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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