Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

From The Pastor’s Desk – Rev. Stout

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Just a few quick notes and reflections as we begin this “interim” period together. I began as your “new” interim Pastor on June 19. In my vocational life, I have been both engineer and Pastor. I have 12 years of engineering experience, having worked on large steam turbines in power plants for Westinghouse (Broomall, PA), Potomac Electric Power (Washington, DC), American Electric Power (Columbus, OH), and Entergy (Beaumont, TX). I have been an ordained minister in the UCC since 1988, having 19 years of pastoral experience, with congregations in CT, VA, and PA, with my most recent experience as Stated Supply at St. Peter’s UCC in Hobbie. I currently live in Danville. I will be with you for at least the next few months as you continue your search for a “settled Pastor.” I do wish you well in the challenges ahead, that God will guide your search process and your ongoing ministry in the name of Christ.

While I am with you, I can be reached by phone at 409-658-7136 (cell) or e-mail at cstout53@earthlink.net – please contact me if a need/emergency arises. I will also be available at the Church on Sunday morning or Tuesday usually from 10am-1pm. I can be available by appointment at other times/days that may be more convenient for you.

The first three Sundays of our “interim” experience may prove to be quite instructive. On 6/19, the message “Alone; Yet Not Really Alone” provided assurance that whatever our life’s situation, God is aware of that situation and able to provide courage and strength for the challenge. On 6/26, the message “Limiting the ‘Buts’ of Discipleship” focused on ways that we respond to the call of Christ while honoring the many competing responsibilities in our lives, yet without feeling overwhelmed on one hand, or guilty on the other. On 7/3, the message “A Recipe for Ministry” will challenge us to recognize the important role we play as Jesus’ representatives, and his message we bear, that God’s Kingdom is indeed near.

As we work together in the months ahead, may we feel the loving, comforting, and guiding presence of the God whom we worship.

Rev. Stout

[Prayer and the Golden Rule] “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 (NASV)

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