Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Thank You

Allen and Pauline Dennis would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts they have been given and prayers said for Pauline’s health. You have been so generous and thoughtful.

Esther Heller thanks the Sunday School for the fruit basket given to them for Christmas. She also greatly appreciated the card shower in celebration of her 91 st birthday.

Phoebe Ministeries sent us a Christmas Thank You card. Our gifts to Phoebe help them care for elderly members in their facilities who often have no financial support of their own.

Bernie Baluta sent a cards thanking us for the turkey dinners, personal care kits, Christmas gifts for children and Giving Tree presents.

The Youth and Staff of Bethany Children’s Home sent us a Christmas card with beautiful artwork depicting a watercolor of Bethany.

We received a Christmas card from St. Joseph’s Center wishing us happiness in the Christmas season and in the coming year. Our Vacation Bible School mission project this year supported St. Joseph’s Center.

The Amigos of Guatemala thanked us for participating in the October gathering of donations for the new clinic. We raised $30 additional in October to add to the $193.63 our Sunday School project gathered in April for a total of $223.63. Thank you to everyone who cares about our brothers and sisters in this developing country. Your generosity will provide the education and buildings needed to improve their health and wellbeing.

Our thanks to all of our church family for your generous Christmas gifts. We sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Don Eroh

Jennis & Brad Bunnell

Denise Dean

I would like to thank everyone who supported our Christmas gifts to the McKinney Clinic to be passed out to the children whose families need to use the services of the clinic. The gifts you provided from the Giving Tree were also delivered and distributed to those whose needs are so much greater than ours. Thank you for supporting the Sunday School. Lisa Rinehimer

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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