Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ

What a wonderful trip I have had to Kitty Hawk, NC. Right now I am sitting in the house that a friend rented for all the “Belles of St. Mary’s”. It has been most relaxing. There were several of us here and each of us had her
own room. I brought tea bags and lemons but there was tea brewed and lemons already cut up in the frig. What a great group of girls.
We can join in with the others doing stuff or we can be on our own. Yesterday they celebrated my birthday with a cake. I really didn’t do much of anything but a morning walk on the beach and a trip to John’s. If you are ever here you must visit John’s between milepost 4.5 and 5 on Virginia Dare Trail (better known as beach road). The
most wonderful milkshakes ever and mahi mahi boats with fried okra. I thought maybe I was in Heaven! I did grill the burgers last night that someone else had made and grill the hot dogs.
I walked alone on the beach on this morning. The weather has been beautiful – a bit windy – but that is the reason Orville and Wilbur came here to fly their first airplane. Getting back to the beach – I waded in the water as I walked. As one looks at the beach and the ocean and the little creatures in the sand and all the shells that have held creatures, it’s impossible not to ponder God’s creation. There was a black bird walking along with me trying to catch a fiddler crab. He missed the first one but as we went along a bit further I saw him with just a crab hanging
out of his mouth. He looked satisfied and smug.
As we were driving for a donut this morning I said, “We are enjoying nature at its best while Texas is facing nature at its worst.” Archie’s son lives in Houston but is all right. Please let your prayers go out for those affected by the weather.
I’ll be leaving shortly and going back to Richmond for a night and then on to Sunbury on Thursday.
I’ll see you on Sunday.
God Bless!



There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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