When will it ever end? Another day – another snow storm! I’m really lovin’ Pennsylvania. But we are so blessed.
There are so many folks out there who don’t have a place to come in from the cold or if they do have a place, they
may not have the money to pay for electricity or oil or even food. Some of us tend to blame their predicament on
those folks but much of the time it’s not their fault. We need to do all we can to assist those who aren’t able to take
care of themselves. We have some food and funds in the Wapwallopen Ministerium that may be of use to them. If
you know of someone locally who could use some help, please tell them to give us a call here at the church. We treat
each contact as strictly confidential.
Some of us have been enjoying a meal on Wednesday nights here at church as we share a time of fellowship. We
continue to eat at 6 and worship at 7. We would love to have you join us. Our numbers have been lower this Lenten
season due to the cold and snowy weather. Hopefully before Easter it will turn around. If you are able, please come
and fellowship with us.
Since many of you can’t get out right now I would like to remind you that this gives you plenty of time to read your
Bible and to spend time in prayer. This can be a time to thank God for all your blessings and also a time to pray for
others and for yourself. It isn’t a bad thing to ask God to bless you and your family. Your church could also use your
prayers. When you are alone talking to God it is easy to be sincere. There is no one else listening. You don’t have to
feel as if you must impress anyone else with the words you use. Just be real and honest and go to God with sincerity.
You can shut out all distractions – the doorbell, the telephone, the television – and invite God in.
God asks that we worship Him with our concentrated minds as well as with our wills and emotions. Use this time to
spend time with God in prayer and Bible reading and study. It will be a blessing to you and to those you include in
your prayers. Have faith that God hears and answers..
“What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.”
Be blessed and be a blessing. God loves you.
Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ
There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)