Summertime is a great time to enjoy longer days and warm weather, vacations, fun trips to the beach, visiting
with family that we don’t often see. That has been the case for me and for many of you. There are some who seem
to think that summer is a good time to take vacation from church as well. But this has been a busy summer here at
Emmanuel from the 300 Club with the new sidewalk to the pavilion to the mission trip to New Jersey, from Old River
Church to Re-Creation, from repairs on the church to rearranging our office space, and from sub sale to sub sale.
Thanks go out to all those who helped out with all the activities. It’s takes a lot of hard work and dedicated people
to work on all these things. We could use more of those people.
Now Fall is upon us and it’s time to get back to church for those of you who have been vacationing. You should be
well rested and ready to buckle down for the Lord. We begin on Rally Day which is September 7. We need all the
kids here to be involved. We especially need them here for choir practice on Wed. nights at 6:30 so we can increase
our kid’s choir. We have the few faithful and would like to add more faithful. If there is a conflict or someone needs
a ride (if they don’t need a car seat) call me and I will pick them up.
Our children need to develop a firm foundation in Christ and I know that Sunday School is the best way to allow
that to happen. I have such fond memories of my Sunday School days and I know that many of you do as well. The
kids today certainly need the influence of something besides television and movies and ballgames. These things are
great – I watched all the games I could of the Little League World Series and enjoyed every one. I even saw a couple
of coaches pray with the kids but I don’t think they were learning any Bible stories. If you know any kids in your
neighborhood or at school who don’t have a church INVITE them to Sunday School. In a survey on why people bring
children to Sunday School the #1 reason is They were invited.
But it’s time for all of us – not just our children – to get back to church. Church is a wonderful place to
intentionally connect with God and with one another. It’s a place where we hear children’s laughter fill the air. It’s
a place where old friendships are maintained over decades. It’s a place where we make memories. It’s a place
where we participate in something much bigger than ourselves. We do ministry in the name of God and in the
process we are transformed into a family – the body of Christ. This is a special place and we are special people.
I am looking forward to our new year getting started on the 7th of September. I will be praying for everyone as we
begin our Sunday School and Church routine for this year. Let’s be a blessing to one another as we move forward.
Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ
There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)