Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ

We leave for our long-awaited Mission Trip to New Jersey today right after church on June 29. Everyone is excited
to be going to help out the less fortunate. There are nine of us going this year. Please pray for us to be successful
in our efforts to rebuild homes and lives.
There are several events that need your prayers during the next couple of months. First, of course, is the mission
trip. Bible School begins on July 13th as we once again work with Stairville and Faith to serve our children. I know
that the team has been working very hard to pull things together and the kids will be blessed. Old River Church
will be our responsibility on July 20. Let us come out and support this historic landmark – the offerings that are
collected there are divided 50/50 between the Old River Cemetery Association and our Wapwallopen
Ministerium. If not for these funds we would not be able to assist those families in need with food, fuel,
electricity, gas, and other basic necessities needed.
In August on the 10th we can once again enjoy ReCreation perform for us. Please bring your friends and neighbors
out to celebrate with you all these young people do for our veterans. They are a delight! This year they are
coming at 4pm so that no one has to venture forth after dark. Hopefully this will enable more folks to come out. I
know there are lots of family reunions scheduled during July and August so I will be praying that you all have a
wonderful time getting together with family. The Dollar reunion is on August 2-3 in Alabama but I won’t be going
this year – too much to do around Mountain Top. Also toward the end of the month, we will be getting back to
choir practice and rehearsals for Rally Day on the 7th of Sept. Please bring your kids out to enjoy helping in all the
preparations. It could even be more fun than a soccer or baseball game.
From Moments that Matter by Catherine Marshall come this devotional:

Getting to Know God
Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
We can scarcely claim God’s promises for ourselves until we know what he has promised
1. The Bible is a series of true stories of God’s dealing with men and women quite like us.
There are pioneers, adventurers, and businessmen. There are the ever-present problems of greed, lust, and
adultery. There is romance and drama. The Bible is never less than frank; it never whitewashes sin. When we
read this book intelligently, we learn how God deals with humankind, what He is like and what we can expect
from Him.

I would dare to suggest that when you go lay out by the pool or in your hammock or just reading a book in you
easy chair – pull out the Bible. There are some fascinating stories there and as Catherine Marshall said – all those
other things.
God bless all this summer!

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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