Seems like we’re having a “hot” time right now with the weather. Stay in and stay cool or be careful when
going out into the sun.
Returning from sabbatical has been a whirlwind with the 300 Club and Silent Auction right around the
corner. What a busy time that was but what a great success! Thanks to all who helped out. It took lots of
people and lots of time in lots of different areas. And on top of all the hard work God certainly blessed us
with a beautiful day.
We also had a beautiful day for our first worship of the season in the pavilion. There was a wonderful
breeze and much cooler than inside plus getting to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation in the trees,
mountains, and sky. This week we will be having a baptism during worship – the first of several this summer.
I pray for all a wonderful summer wherever you may be – at the beach, river or lake, in the mountains,
visiting relatives, or just staying around home. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God is everywhere we are.
It’s fun to attend church in other locations to see how others worship. You may even have suggestions to
bring back to Emmanuel that we may consider implementing.
You will see me around all summer. I have no plans to go anywhere. My two months was wonderful and I feel
pretty refreshed. God was good to Archie and me as we traveled around the countryside.
Remember that we need you in church in the summer as well as in winter.
Keep in mind what some church signs display: “YOU THINK IT’S HOT HERE!”
Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ
[Prayer and the Golden Rule] “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 (NASV)