Where Our Awesome God Reigns!!
Registration Forms are
on the Narthex Table
Come on all you cowboys and cowgirls to the Roundup
Rodeo!! We’ll get an earful of Bible adventures, be
singing till the cows come home, rustle up some grub at
the Chuck Wagon, get crafty, and stretch our legs
playing games. Our Bible points for each day revolve
around God: He is real, with us, strong, and awesome.
So lasso your friends and saddle up. We’re off on a
Bible adventure with a western flair. See y’all at the
rodeo, Stairville United Methodist Church, beginning
on Sunday, July 14, through Thursday, July 18. We start
whoopin’ it up at 6:30 pm each night and roundin’ it up
at 8:30 pm. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the
Narthex or call the church office at 868-5675. Yee
On Thursday, July 18, at 7:30 pm, everyone is welcome
to Roundup Rodeo at Stairville UMC for our
closing program at the RODEO. Our Rodeo starts with
the children and youth telling all about the things they
learned this year. Each day’s lesson will be showcased
at a “rodeo stand”, with games and fun stuff to do.
Then we’ll have hot dogs and fixin’s and everyone can
enjoy all the games at the stands until closing at 8:30
pm. Please come out and join us at the rodeo.