Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Hurrican Sandy Mission Trip

We have a terrific opportunity to really serve others “right in our own backyard”. Our trip to Lakewood Township will give us a chance to interact with people from an area that we are already familiar with. How many people go to the beaches in Jersey? Sandy had a terrible impact on that area and we can do something about it. The only thing is that it costs money to help others. Each youth needs $289 just to get to Lakewood. That doesn’t include any spending money – just the mission trip cost. So please help us pay for our trip by supporting our fundraisers. We really appreciate all our church family does for us. We realize we couldn’t be able to make such a difference if it wasn’t for you. Thanks.

Emmanuel Youth Group

This is what we’re up to now:
This Summer’s Mission Trip – There will be 13 youth and adults cleaning up after Sandy (and whatever else has hit that area). The reservation fee of $89 per person has been paid. We need the balance at least 30 days before we leave on July 7. We need to keep promoting Hire the Youth Group to raise some money. Also, anyone having ideas on other fundraisers, please see Marc, Lisa or Caroline to see if it’s possible for us do them.
Keep on believing
Remember to get your
Weis and Carone’s cards!
This is a great way to support the Youth Group without spending anything extra. You’re just going to spend that money at the grocery store anyway so why not give the Youth Group some help with their finances? For every $1,000 worth of cards they sell, they make $50. Please see Marc on Sunday mornings or you can call Denise at the church office (868-5675) during the week.


There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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