Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ

Hello everyone from the state of Tennessee in Knoxville. Last evening we held the funeral for my cousin. Nikki was only 40 years old but she had been suffering from recurring strokes for about ten years. Originally I had planned to come down to be with my cousin Sandra,(Nikki’s mom) after the death but last Tuesday I announced to Archie that I should leave on Thursday. It took me exactly 12 hours to arrive at the nursing home. I spent the night in the room with Sandra and Nikki sleeping on an air mattress with Sandra. I got up early Friday morning to sit at Nikki’s bedside. When Sandra woke up I decided to go to Hardee’s to get us a biscuit and some tea. I couldn’t believe it but I couldn’t get a tea bag at the nursing home. I was gone about 20 minutes and while I was gone Nikki passed away. I truly believe God meant for me to be here when Nikki died so I could be a comfort to Sandra.
On Saturday we went to the florist and the funeral home. Things move very slowly around here and I did get a little impatient trying hard not to show it. But things weren’t running on my time – I was not in charge. Sometimes that is hard for me but this was a good lesson for me. God’s ways are not our ways and God’s time is not our time. I say that at many funerals but this time it was the lesson for me.
The visitation and funeral were last night at the church. The minister and I worked very well together. He was very nice. We did the funeral together. The burial and the meal are this afternoon. I will be doing the interment since Pastor Paul has some required meetings he must attend today. It’s great how things work out if we just let God be in charge.
February is going to be a very busy month. The first Sunday with the Scouts, the second Sunday is the Mardi Gras brunch followed on Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. As we move through Lent let us turn our hearts and our minds to Jesus’ life and ministry and really turn our hearts to the things he taught us before he suffered and then died on the cross – for you and for me. Try to read your Bible a little more and pray a little harder.
I will be coming home on Wednesday and then Archie and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary on Friday. It has been a wonderful 10 years.
I’ll see you on Sunday. God’s blessings be with you all!

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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