Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ

First of all let me say, “Thank you so much for the generous Christmas gift!” I will use it wisely or maybe with great abandon!

Archie and I had a wonderful Christmas. The Friday before, Archie’s daughter and her family who live in Harrisburg came to Sunbury to have Christmas. Then on Sunday evening Kirk and Juliana arrived to be here until Christmas morning. We had our Christmas on Christmas Eve in the afternoon since there were two services to do on that evening and they had to leave early Christmas morning to go back to Philly to spend the day with her family. Then on Christmas Day after visiting with Archie’s mom we left for Richmond to spend a few days with Charlie and Lisa. We were planning to stay until Saturday but after the weather report we decided to come back on Friday evening. That was a very smart choice! We would have been right in the middle of all that snow on the roads had we waited until Saturday.

Looking back on Advent and Christmas Eve it seems that church matters went off very well. I loved the Advent bulletin covers that the kids designed. They did such a good job on those as well as on the pageant. We have some very talented kids in our midst. Please encourage them by speaking to them on Sunday mornings so they will feel a part of our ministry at Emmanuel.

Thanks to everyone for all your hard work in 2012. It’s hard to believe we are entering 2013 already. Right now as we look at the calendar things seem to be pretty quiet during January so just rest up because Ash Wednesday comes early this year and we get going on our Lenten suppers and services. The Youth also have a couple of things in the works for February. Stay tuned for further information.

Here is a beautiful prayer from Christian Aid for the New Year:

Ageless one, who created time
And is sovereign over its every passing moment–
Be near to us at this turning of the year.
Help us to look back and celebrate all you have done
And all you have accomplished through us
To build your kingdom of justice and peace.
Empower us to also face the disappointment
And holy frustration of the change we have yet to see
And the injustice that continues to rob so many of their future.
And above all, fill us with your Spirit
That we might look to the year ahead with hope, determination and love
For we need your perspective as we continue to work with you
For an end to poverty, and a future for all.

I wish each one a wonderful 2013! May God shower you with blessings!

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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