As you may know this letter is not really from my desk. It’s from my computer on my lap in the chair I’ve been in for about five days now when I wasn’t in the bed. I’ve been sick. Today I’m finally feeling better and hopefully I’ll be back to the church tomorrow. I heard Jim did a great job on Sunday giving my sermon for me with help from Denise and Wayne. It’s nice to know I can depend on church members to cover for me.
My vacation the first of August was so wonderful. It was great visiting with old friends from high school, colleagues from my job at St. Mary’s Hospital and Virginia Blood Services, and seeing my kids, Charlie and Lisa and the granddogs for a few days. Memories are great for the most part and hopefully next year I will get to attend the Dollar Reunion in Alabama and to visit my brother, John, in Louisiana. I talked to him yesterday and he was playing golf before the rain hits. He isn’t near the coast but it looks like he will get some bad weather from Isaac.
School starts, Labor Day Weekend, Rally Day for Sunday School. Here we go again with a new year! The last year has been very busy and I want to thank all of you who have been so active in your service to God through Emmanuel. I just want to remind those of you who haven’t been as active that we have lots of opportunity for you to participate and we will be letting you know what those opportunities are as they arise. I pray that more of you will feel the call to get more involved. It will be a blessing for you and for Emmanuel.
The Mission Team will be letting you know soon how we have been helping others. I am very happy that we are able to reach out to our community with a helping hand. Just as Jesus said, “When you have done this for one of the least of these, you have done it for me.”
I look forward to seeing you on Rally Day. Invite someone to come to church with you. It is always a fun and inspirational day to see the kids participating in the service.
Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ
There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)