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2012 VBS – Bible Seas

The Wet and Wild World of the Word
Registration Forms are on the Narthex Table
Let’s go diving – deep, deeper, deepest! S will be from July 22 to 26 at 6:30 pm  to 8:30 pm. Faith UMC, which will also known as Bible Seas, will be transformed into an underwater wonderland, “swimming” with characters just overflowing with the wonders of God’s stories. We’ll hear from undersea creatures who will tell us about God’s Word, the Bible. Our theme verse is: Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105). We’ll explore how God Gives Us Direction, that God Made Us Unique, God is Trustworthy and that in response to God’s Word We can have Rock Solid Faith and We can Do What is Right. We’ll start off together at Sing and Play Splash with music and a skit which will include the Bible Point for the day. Then we break up into smaller groups for Deep Bible Adventures, Undersea Crafts, Splish Splash Games and Dive-in Diner. We’ll all gather back together for Sea Star Finale. If possible, please fill out a sign-up sheet for each child who will attend so that we have a rough count of how many kids to plan for. But you can always sign-up the that evening, too.

2012 VBS Program

On Thursday, July 26, at 8:00 pm, everyone is
welcome to Bible Seas at Faith UMC for our closing program. The children and youth will present songs and tell all about the things they learned this year. Please come out and enjoy their program about their wonderful time under the sea. Denise

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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