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2012 VBS Program Bible Seas

The Wet and Wild World of the Word

Registration Forms are on the Narthex Table
Plans for Vacation Bible School are underway. This year’s host is Faith UMC. From July 22 to 26, we will transform Faith into an underwater wonderland with this year’s theme, Bible Seas – The Wet and Wild World of the Word. We’ll dive deep into the Bible, exploring God’s Word through stories about creation, Noah, the Parable of the Wise Man and the Foolish Man and the story about Zacchaeus. The main point is the Bible itself and how it gives us direction for our lives. The next planning meeting will be on June 4 at 7 pm at Faith UMC. We are looking for some people with great decorating ideas and who have enthusiasm to work with kids. Come on in, the water’s fine!

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen for His own inheritance. — Psalm 33:12 (NASV)

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