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2011 VBS Program SHAKE IT UP CAFÉ!!

Where Kids Carry Out God’s Recipe

VBS was really HOT this year – and I don’t mean just the temperature, which was a bit too warm for the firstcouple of days. But REALLY HOT as in COOOOOL! We had a blast learning about the festivals of the Bible and how we can relate those to events. Each day we learned a secret ingredient which pertained to the Bible story and festival. On Sunday, we learned to Be Ready for God, just as the Israelites had to be ready to leave Egypt at a moment’s notice at Passover. We found out that being ready didn’t mean that we had everything done and were just waiting around. It is really keeping alert and improving ourselves through things like prayer, Bible reading and service. On Monday, the secret ingredient was Give Happily to God. In Leviticus, God gives the Israelites certain harvest festivals to celebrate each year. These festivals taught the Israelites the importance of thanking God through giving. Just as the Israelites gave thankfully to God, we can, too. Tuesday’s secret ingredient was Believe Fully in Jesus. At the Festival of Booths, Jesus invited people to drink from water he could provide so that he could fill them with the “water of life”. Through these words, Jesus is telling all who would listen that he is the Son of God. Some believed and others didn’t. We need to believe in Jesus fully so that our hearts can be filled with his love and we can tell others about him. Remember Jesus Often was the secret ingredient for Wednesday as we again celebrated Passover, but this time with Jesus in the upper room. We learned that it is important to connect with Jesus through Communion. Whether the children could actually receive the elements or were in preparation for the time when they would, we learned that every time we take Communion we should concentrate on Jesus and how much he loves us and not let our minds wander. (That’s a good lesson for us that have been communing, too.) Our last secret ingredient, Celebrate God Forever, was the point on Thursday. The Festival of Weeks and Pentecost were the focus as Peter joyfully told the crowds about Jesus. Peter celebrated his faith by spreading the good news that Jesus rose from the dead to bring everlasting life to everyone. Just as Peter was so happy telling others, we can celebrate our faith forever! We want everyone to share in the good times and invite them to celebrate with us.

I would also like to thank everyone for their support and generosity. We received school supplies for the kids in Birmingham, Alabama, and food items to restock the Wapwallopen Ministerium Food Bank. Both boxes were really good size and literally overflowed with your donations.

I would also like to thank everyone who donated their time and talents for VBS.  The kids really had a great time, but it wouldn’t happen without all of you. Pre-K class (Ginny & Donna), food (Cindy, Lisa, Diana, and a host of others), games (Jeff, Jill and Judy), Bible Stories (Janet), Discovery lessons (hey, Allison), crafts (Sally, Christine & Theresa), crew leaders (Hunter, Rachael, Glynis & Kimmy), sound and video expert (“can you hear me now?” Hunter) and puppeteers (hi, Kimmmy & Glynis) were all possible because of you. Thanks for making my job easy (again!!!).

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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