Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675



Kimmy and Allison Bernetski will be representing Emmanuel UCC at the Carolina Coast Mission Project of TEAMeffort, a multi-denominational organization which coordinates projects for youth. We might chuckle a little at their choice of site – Myrtle Beach – who are they kidding. But if you think this is just a beach party, think again. Just a few miles up the coast there is great need. Due to the economic recession and the loss of hundred of jobs, there are many families struggling to just make enough for their daily needs. This leaves no money for needed repairs to their homes. There are also elderly who can’t physically perform maintenance on their homes. Our kids will be assisting people to construct wheelchair ramps, painting and performing general maintenance. While their days are filled with volunteer work, their evenings will revolve around worship and interacting with other youth who share their drive to help others. As a reward for all their hard work and devotion to serving Christ’s sheep, they will have one day to have fun. Then, they’ll be back with us and tell us what a mission camp is really all about. Pastor Penny and Marc Davis will also be going as the adult volunteers.


The Youth Group’s fundraiser is really paying off. They have sold almost $4,000 worth of cards, netting them $200 for their projects. Thanks to everyone who purchased Weis cards, and please keep signing up. Marc is looking into purchasing Carone’s cards and hopes to have that in place after they return from mission camp.
The Youth are still looking for jobs to do so they can raise more money for mission camp. So far they sold their muscles for $350, but they still have some strength left for more to do. Just give Marc a call and he will set up a date for them to get working on your project.
In addition to the money mentioned above, they cleared $214 from the Mardi Gras brunch and $46 from their yard sale.
Thank you for supporting us – we appreciate your belief and trust in us to represent you on our Mission Project to the Carolina Coast!! Also, thanks for your fundraising ideas – we are looking more!

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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