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God Rocks by Sarah Kensinger

God Rocks by Sarah Kensinger
God Rocks by Sarah Kensinger

The following was produced by the kids who attended the 2011 Annual PNEC Winter Youth Retreat. Kimmy and Allison Bernetski were there and shared some of their thoughts the Sunday after the event, but I think they left out some fun details. Really girls, “Smoke on the Water”? I didn’t know anyone still listened to Purple. It is uplifting to note that one of the creators of the theme, God Rocks, is Sarah Kensinger who we know well since her mom, Tina, interned with us. Rock on, Sarah!! And let’s show others that God is our ROCK and our SALVATION!
Sharing the Good News – Created by the Youth of PNEC – May 2011

Sung to the tune of Smoke on the Water and played by our PNEC youth praise band this chorus was part of the February 2011 PNEC Winter Youth Retreat, held at Blue Mountain Retreat Center. 44 youth and 17 adults, representing 14 churches, gathered for “God Rocks”. The “God Rocks” theme was created by Felicia Shaner, Dalice Hess, Sarah Kensinger, Tanner Gutekunst and Emily Ferrol, youth of PNEC who served on the planning team! We had a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led time together as we worshiped, prayed via a percussion circle, sang in praise of the God who is the rock of our lives, participated in activity stations which challenged us to use our abilities in new and unique ways, shared our faith stories in small group Bible study, watched a contemporary movie revolving around the theme, and spent time in a quiet but powerful devotion time as we reflected on our relationship with God. The creative use of technology provided us with a variety of resources to support the theme…You tube clips, projected music and lyrics, and power point presentations.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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