Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

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Remember to turn your clocks back and sleep in for an extra hour! But only for
one hour and then join us for Sunday Sc
hool at 9:00 and worship at 10:30 am

We will celebrate Holy Communion during our worship service on November 7, followed by a coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a delicious
delectable to share and have a relaxing m
orning with us.

Beginning on Friday, November 5, the UCC is launching Uniquely UCC, the new internet ad of the Stillspeaking Campaign. This week-end long campaign will culminate on Sunday, November 7, with the first Annual Friend-Raising Sunday. Click HERE for more details.

Written by J. Bennett Guess
September 21, 2010

A new 60-second video message from the United Church of Christ will help kick-off the Stillspeaking Ministry’s National Friend-Raising Weekend, Nov. 5-7.

“We will launch our next video ad on Friday, Nov. 5, with the help of members and friends who will share it with millions across the internet,” says the Rev. Felix Carrion, coordinator of the UCC’s Stillspeaking Ministry. “As we learned earlier this year, our best broadcasting arsenal is our members’ enthusiasm to advance our messages forward via social networking.”

The new commercial, which is now in production, will be the centerpiece of a special ‘friend-raising’ emphasis on Nov. 7.  Members are asked to be intentional about inviting others to join them at church services that day. A special bundle of promotional items is being offered at a 50 percent discount to help prepare churches for the visitors that arrive.

“We are asking churches to promote Nov. 7 as Stillspeaking Friend-Raising Sunday, a day set aside to be intentional about inviting our family, friends and neighbors to come to church with us,” Carrion says. “Then, we want to hear how the day went, so we can announce a tally for the entire denomination.”

After services on Nov. 7, all UCC churches will be invited to record their visitor tally online at http://www.ucc.org/god-is-still-speaking/friendraising.html. On Tuesday, Nov. 9, a national count of visitors will be announced in the UCC’s weekly Keeping You e-Posted e-newsletter.

The congregations with the most visitors overall and most visitors per capita of membership will receive a new God is Still Speaking banner and a supply of red lapel pins and copies of the inaugural issues of the StillSpeaking Magazine for every member of the congregation. Carrion is also offering to visit the winning churches to say thank you in person.

“We want to underscore the primary goal of the Stillspeaking Ministry, which is to grow the United Church of Christ in visibility, yes, but also numerically,” Carrion says. “This will be a day to let our UCC light shine.”

All Saints Sunday, the first weekend of November, has customarily been a day for promoting the UCC’s God is Still Speaking message, Carrion says.

“What better way to celebrate Friend-Raising Weekend than with a viral launch on Friday followed up two days later with welcoming thousands of new visitors on Sunday?” Carrion says. “The joy will come when we see collectively, through the national tally, how our enthusiasm and invitation can have a big impact.”

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NASV)

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