Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Welcome to Emmanuel United Church Of Christ

And the Christ Child was born.
And the Christ Child was born.

From The Pastor’s Desk

What a wonderful Christmas!  I must thank everyone for all that you did during this time.  Our kids did a great job on Christmas Eve for the pageant – so thanks to them as well as to the parents who were cooperative in getting them to church for practices.  Thanks to all those who helped with setup and breakdown for the pageant.  May thanks to the choir for coming to rehearsals and being Johnny-on-the- spot when needed.  And thanks to Denise for all that she does to help – not only with the children but all around.   It couldn’t have been pulled off without all of you.

On a personal note I want to thank you for the gifts that you gave to Archie and me.  It is very heartwarming to feel appreciated.  You know that we are leaving for vacation in a couple of days and these gifts will make our vacation very enjoyable.  We aren’t going very far – just to Hershey – but it will feel good just to get out of town for a few days.  Of course on New Year’s Day we will be watching Penn State play LSU.  My brother lives in Louisiana so we will have a little rivalry going.

I also need to thank the consistory of 2009 for all the hard work.  We will miss the ones who will be going off but give our appreciation to those coming on.  Our church couldn’t not operate successfully without the dedication of those who see to the business of Emmanuel.  And I must say thanks to all the members of our church who give their time lovingly and faithfully.  We are a family and must continue to support one another.

Our book study class on Healing Prayer decided that we wanted to have a healing service for the community after the first of the year.  Keep tuned in for the date and the details.  And there are also some new things being looked into for fund raising.  All we need is your continued support.

As Paul would say: I give thanks for you daily in my prayers.  You work hard and love the Lord.  Continue your good work that will spread the name of Jesus throughout the community and keep alive the faith in our church.

God bless you all!   HAPPY NEW YEAR!


“The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, To give to each person according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds. — Jeremiah 17:9-10 (NASV)

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